Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Rail Alignment and Benefits (RAB) Study - Property Owners May Be Impacted

Recently, BOMA San Francisco's Government Affairs Policy Advisory Committee (GAPAC) met with Susan Gygi, PE, with the San Francisco Planning Department regarding an important plan that may affect BOMA members.

The Rail Alignment and Benefits (RAB) Study is analyzing the best ways to bring Caltrain and High Speed Rail to the Salesforce Transit Center while connecting San Francisco's fastest-growing neighborhoods on the east side of the City.

Rail alignment, while esoteric, may have a major impact on adjacent property owners when the project is final and construction begins:
To coordinate and support efforts of Caltrans, Caltrain, High Speed Rail, the Transbay Joint Powers Authority, the RAB Study includes 5 components:

Study Components Map

1. Rail Alignment into the Salesforce Transit Center (SFTC)

This component seeks to answer the most time sensitive question of the RAB: how to bring both Caltrain and High-Speed Rail from the county line into the Salesforce Transit Center.

2. Railyard Reconfiguration/Relocation

This component considers reknitting the fabric of the City by modifying or relocating some or all of the activities at the 4th/King Railyard.

3. Urban Form and Land Use Considerations

Relocating the Caltrain Railyard and/or other infrastructure changes could make new land available for the restoration of the street grid, improved bike/pedestrian connections, elimination of rail hazards and noise, and construction of housing, commercial development, and open space. This component considers these issues at a conceptual level and provides a baseline for future study.

4. Transit Center (SFTC) Extension/Loop

This component explores future scenarios for train connections and operations beyond the initial connection to the SFTC to improve station capacity and/or rail connections beyond SFTC to the East Bay or back down the Peninsula.

5. Boulevard I-280

This component analyzes the interaction between proposed rail alternatives and the I-280 structure to ensure that the rail alignment does not preclude the possibility of future changes to I-280 north of Mariposa.

Please reach out to johnb@boma.com with any questions.

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