Tuesday, March 19, 2019

100-Year Storm Flood Risk Map - San Francisco Law Requires Property Owners to Disclose Risk to Buyers or Tenants

Click on the image to utilize the interactive 100 Year Storm Flood Risk Map

The City and County of San Francisco recently passed an ordinance that will require sellers or landlords of property in San Francisco to disclose to buyers or tenants that the property is located within the flood risk zone delineated on the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's 100-Year Storm Flood Risk Map. 

The purpose of this new law is to inform those affected property owners - commercial, residential and including the City and County of San Francisco properties, of their respective risk of flooding. The ordinance was signed by the Mayor on March 8, 2019. A copy of the ordinance is available online at: www.sfwater.org/floodmaps.

You may utilize the interactive map to identify if your property is affected by clicking here. You can also search by neighborhood as well. 

Please take a moment to review the information below from the SFPUC. Reach out to johnb@boma.com for any questions you may have. 


As San Francisco has developed over time, its hilly topography has been largely paved over. During extreme storms, storm runoff flows still follow the naturally-formed historical waterways. When this occurs, we can experience flooding that sometimes results in property damage.

The SFPUC has developed a 100-Year Storm Flood Risk Map (Flood Map) that shows areas of San Francisco where significant flooding from storm runoff is highly likely to occur during a 100-year storm. A “100-year storm” means a storm with a 1% chance of occurring in a given year. The SFPUC used computer modeling that simulates flooding occurring Citywide under a 100-year storm to identify these parcels.

The purpose of the Flood Map is to inform existing and future property owners about flood risk on their properties and promote resilience. Please find more info on flood resilience efforts below.

The Flood Map shows parcels that are highly likely to experience “deep and contiguous” flooding during a 100-year storm. “Deep and contiguous flooding” means flooding that is at least 6-inches deep spanning an area at least the size of half an average City block.

The City passed legislation that will require sellers or landlords of property in San Francisco to disclose to buyers or tenants that the property is located within the flood risk zone delineated on the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's 100-Year Storm Flood Risk Map.

This Flood Map shows flood risk from storm runoff only. It does not consider flood risk in San Francisco from other causes such as inundation from the San Francisco Bay or Pacific Ocean. Read our full Flood Map Disclaimer.

If you have questions, want to learn more about the Flood Map, or understand what the SFPUC is doing to promote Citywide flood resilience, please review our Information Sheet or contact us at rainready@sfwater.org. Is your property on the Flood Map? Please click on the map below to utilize a searchable Flood Map where you can enter in your address to find out.

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